19) You have to sacrifice for school.
So. It has been a while:) I hope that I haven't lost all my faithful followers! I've been so busy that it isn't even funny. I got done with school a few weeks ago, and I had...drumroll please.....one glorious day off of school before going back again. That's right. One. So, let me take you on a trip through my life this summer.
Alright. I wake up at 6:30, throw on some clothes, brush my hair and my teeth. Then I eat breakfast. Dad drives me to my new high school. Yes, I know, I'm ancient. Anyway. We sit in front of the computer the whole 7 hours and copy exactly what the teacher puts on the board. Doesn't that sound delightful? And I am doing this for almost 2 months.
You may be wondering what the heck I was thinking. I was thinking that I had no time time in my schedule to complete my gosh darn Computer Competency credit. Ugh. Times infinity. So I am taking Computer Applications all summer and I think I am losing my love of computers. Ugh! I'll survive though. I have to post soon about our new family members, so I must go! I will post much more than I have been. I love you all, and thank you for reading!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
It's Mother's Day!
15) Work on the farm is NEVER over.
It's Mother's Day weekend over here, and it's been hectic as all get out. On Friday, I had to make Mom's present( A duct tape llama) and I had to make my poster for history class. We watched Inkheart, which was pretty good, plus they mention duct tape, so I was happy.
Saturday was work. Well, for most of us. First Mom met with a blogger friend, taking G, Grammy, and Darby with her, so J, Dad, and I went out shopping. We hit some some farmer stores, then had samples from Costco for lunch. When we came home, Mom's blogger friend was there with her Chinese Cresteds, who were adorable! Now, when you think Chinese Crested, cute isn't the first word that comes to mind. They are cute in their own way, inspired perhaps by their sweetness, innocence, and prancy little steps when they run. My baby girl, Darby, is part Chinese Crested, and when you look at her hair you can tell. They left eventually, leaving us farmers at home. Grammy and I went shopping too! We had to get *cough cough wink wink* Pepsi. We DID get Pepsi, but it wasn't the first thing on our list. First we stopped by a feed store and I looked at ADORABLE PUPPIES!!!!!!! While Grammy searched for a present for Mom. We left empty handed, since nothing in particular struck Grammy as a good gift for Mom. I personally would have liked a puppy, but, alas, it isn't Daughter's Day. We went by Lowes and got Mom some honeysuckle and a pretty plant with red, tubular flowers. Mama loves her hummingbirds. THEN we got Pepsi and came home.
As soon as we got out of the car we had to change into work clothes, put on muck boots, and head out to the second pasture. We were put to the task of raking sticks and leaves and loading them in to the trailer on the back of the mower. I even got to drive it once, though I couldn't get it started by myself because you had to push in the very very stubborn brake lever, and me, being *dainty and fragile* had to have my Dad help me just a bit. Then we all went in and walked around like zombies until we finally trudged over to bed.
Today, (Sunday), was a bit more laid back. We had waffles for breakfast, then laid around for a little while. G and I watched some Scooby Doo. I came upstairs to escape from "the Wiki Tiki" who was the monster in the movie, and Dad invited me to go shopping with him. We went to the PUPPY PLACE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Then to Home Depot for some sprinkler stuff and various other things for the goats and such. I got lazy and rode in the cart until we loaded on the sand and concrete. Home was dinner and Mother's Day presents before bed. I must depart now, for my bed and sleep await me!
It's Mother's Day weekend over here, and it's been hectic as all get out. On Friday, I had to make Mom's present( A duct tape llama) and I had to make my poster for history class. We watched Inkheart, which was pretty good, plus they mention duct tape, so I was happy.
Saturday was work. Well, for most of us. First Mom met with a blogger friend, taking G, Grammy, and Darby with her, so J, Dad, and I went out shopping. We hit some some farmer stores, then had samples from Costco for lunch. When we came home, Mom's blogger friend was there with her Chinese Cresteds, who were adorable! Now, when you think Chinese Crested, cute isn't the first word that comes to mind. They are cute in their own way, inspired perhaps by their sweetness, innocence, and prancy little steps when they run. My baby girl, Darby, is part Chinese Crested, and when you look at her hair you can tell. They left eventually, leaving us farmers at home. Grammy and I went shopping too! We had to get *cough cough wink wink* Pepsi. We DID get Pepsi, but it wasn't the first thing on our list. First we stopped by a feed store and I looked at ADORABLE PUPPIES!!!!!!! While Grammy searched for a present for Mom. We left empty handed, since nothing in particular struck Grammy as a good gift for Mom. I personally would have liked a puppy, but, alas, it isn't Daughter's Day. We went by Lowes and got Mom some honeysuckle and a pretty plant with red, tubular flowers. Mama loves her hummingbirds. THEN we got Pepsi and came home.
As soon as we got out of the car we had to change into work clothes, put on muck boots, and head out to the second pasture. We were put to the task of raking sticks and leaves and loading them in to the trailer on the back of the mower. I even got to drive it once, though I couldn't get it started by myself because you had to push in the very very stubborn brake lever, and me, being *dainty and fragile* had to have my Dad help me just a bit. Then we all went in and walked around like zombies until we finally trudged over to bed.
Today, (Sunday), was a bit more laid back. We had waffles for breakfast, then laid around for a little while. G and I watched some Scooby Doo. I came upstairs to escape from "the Wiki Tiki" who was the monster in the movie, and Dad invited me to go shopping with him. We went to the PUPPY PLACE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Then to Home Depot for some sprinkler stuff and various other things for the goats and such. I got lazy and rode in the cart until we loaded on the sand and concrete. Home was dinner and Mother's Day presents before bed. I must depart now, for my bed and sleep await me!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Frozen Deserts
14)Well, even the desert has it's cold days...weeks...months...
First things first; When in Washington has just gotten an official makeover! I may switch it back, but I thought it could use some brightening up. Any comments? Is it fabulous?
Anyway, I have been going through life normally...except for the fact that I am officially an icicle. It is freezing here! The desert, freezing?! *GASP*! Is it even possible? Well, believe it or not, it is. We've been under 70 degrees, which doesn't sound bad- till you add in windchill. As my PE teacher so wisely stated:
"If it weren't for the windchill that makes it -30 degrees..." It is a bit of over-exaggeration, but it is pretty cold. It's May and we're over here in jeans and sweatshirts! OK, well I am, but not everyone is. Some people, who are apparently cold resistant, are wearing shorts and tank tops. Psh, I would rather be warm and not as stylish than frozen and stylish, but people will have their preferences. SO! Otherwise, life here is pretty good. I have been talking to people- yes, yes, *GASP...AGAIN*!, and I am making some friends.
In general, my school is like the traditional school of this level that you would see in movies. We play real dodge ball where when you get hit you sit out until someone catches a ball. That's pretty fun except when you get nailed in the face with a ball. Then there is the bell, which actually rings and isn't-at least I don't think-computer/intercom generated. It is very loud and very obnoxious.
I have to go now to attempt to finish M's present with my Grammy, who got here a little while ago. Wish me luck, and send some blankets! :)
First things first; When in Washington has just gotten an official makeover! I may switch it back, but I thought it could use some brightening up. Any comments? Is it fabulous?
Anyway, I have been going through life normally...except for the fact that I am officially an icicle. It is freezing here! The desert, freezing?! *GASP*! Is it even possible? Well, believe it or not, it is. We've been under 70 degrees, which doesn't sound bad- till you add in windchill. As my PE teacher so wisely stated:
"If it weren't for the windchill that makes it -30 degrees..." It is a bit of over-exaggeration, but it is pretty cold. It's May and we're over here in jeans and sweatshirts! OK, well I am, but not everyone is. Some people, who are apparently cold resistant, are wearing shorts and tank tops. Psh, I would rather be warm and not as stylish than frozen and stylish, but people will have their preferences. SO! Otherwise, life here is pretty good. I have been talking to people- yes, yes, *GASP...AGAIN*!, and I am making some friends.
In general, my school is like the traditional school of this level that you would see in movies. We play real dodge ball where when you get hit you sit out until someone catches a ball. That's pretty fun except when you get nailed in the face with a ball. Then there is the bell, which actually rings and isn't-at least I don't think-computer/intercom generated. It is very loud and very obnoxious.
I have to go now to attempt to finish M's present with my Grammy, who got here a little while ago. Wish me luck, and send some blankets! :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm Doing Alright
13) Look out for rattlesnakes! AH!
OK. This is going to be a loooooooooooong post, so make sure you have some time.
I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while. I've been busy, believe it or not. Alright. This is flashback one: The night before the move.
It was a dark and stormy night...okay, okay, I lied. It was not a dark and stormy night. But for the sake of imagery, pretend it was. But anyway, it was nighttime. And guess what we did! A whole bunch of nothing. There was some tweaking of suitcases and carry-ons. Such as my mom taking out all the duct tape I had put into my backpack! Ah! It was only half of it... if you've ever seen my supply, well, you know how much duct tape that is. So that is all that I did the last night I was in IL.
Now, flashback 2. This is the day of the move. Well, my goodness, that was just... you'll see.
It was 4 a.m. I know! That's insanely early! But I was not tired for some reason. We all walked out to the truck, carrying backpacks and suitcases and Darbys. J and G and I sat in the backseat, and I know I was watching my precious home for the last time...at least for a while. J and I spent the 15 minute drive...can you guess? Counting cars. I know it sounds dumb. But there were only 13 cars out that early...besides at the airport.
We sat for about 25 minutes in the airport, waiting for the flight to start boarding. It finally did. I sat and stared out the window, watching the lights and squares of farmland filled with corn fade away below me. I slept the whole way to Detroit.
I woke up when we landed, preparing for a 3 hour layover. We got a healthy breakfast of McDonalds before looking for our gate and settling down. I rocked out to my tunes, then searched for some postcards. There were some pretty ones of the Detroit area that I bought. More lounging, more lounging, some comic reading, some texting...okay. We decide to get some lunch to take on the plane. We got some peanut butter and jelly bagels from a place named after Einstein. Hmmm. I didn't know he specialized in bagels...Anyway, our plane came half an hour later than it was supposed to, which was not good because we had such little layover into our local airport in Washington.
Our flight went well. I fell asleep before I had a chance to eat my bagel, so when I woke up I was starving. I listened some more to my iPod, then fell back asleep. When I woke up, we were in Salt Lake City. I can't say that I've ever seen anything that beautiful in my life. There were huge mountains everywhere. You could see the white tops blending into the sky, the rivers snaking through the lands, and some beautiful forests. I was taken aback. I had never seen a mountain before. I couldn't believe how pretty it was in Utah. When we landed, the fiasco began.
We who were heading into Washington were driven on electric carts to our gate. Despite that, we missed our flight. It wasn't fun at all. Mom looked like the world was ending as we went up to customer service. The lady said that the next flight to Washington was not for 6 more hours. There were some...interesting dilemmas, such as not knowing whether Darby was still here. We were reassured that she was indeed here in SLC with us. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Finally we were given tickets for the next flight. We had nothing to do now but to wait. Much more laying around. Mom called Dad and I called A. We had Chinese food for dinner and frozen yogurt for dessert. Then finally, finally, we were on the plane home. We got off and waited in exhaustion for my dad. We hugged him forever, then I went to go get Darby, who was so excited that her tail was booming against the edge of her crate. We drove to the apartment and fell into bed.
Okay, so, that sure was a grand old time, huh? Finally, flashback 3. The first day of school:
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was taken on a tour by some nice girls and I met all my teachers. I only needed paper, a pencil, and my flute. I missed science because of the tour, but I went to band, honors reading, social studies( which is, by the way, dead BORING!!!), PE, lunch, honors algebra, and finally language arts. So, all in all, it was another day at school...only I was lonely all day because I only knew a few people.
My moving experience wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I miss everyone over there, and if anyone's reading: HELLO!!!! Alright, I'll go now, but I will be sure to post much more often!
OK. This is going to be a loooooooooooong post, so make sure you have some time.
I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while. I've been busy, believe it or not. Alright. This is flashback one: The night before the move.
It was a dark and stormy night...okay, okay, I lied. It was not a dark and stormy night. But for the sake of imagery, pretend it was. But anyway, it was nighttime. And guess what we did! A whole bunch of nothing. There was some tweaking of suitcases and carry-ons. Such as my mom taking out all the duct tape I had put into my backpack! Ah! It was only half of it... if you've ever seen my supply, well, you know how much duct tape that is. So that is all that I did the last night I was in IL.
Now, flashback 2. This is the day of the move. Well, my goodness, that was just... you'll see.
It was 4 a.m. I know! That's insanely early! But I was not tired for some reason. We all walked out to the truck, carrying backpacks and suitcases and Darbys. J and G and I sat in the backseat, and I know I was watching my precious home for the last time...at least for a while. J and I spent the 15 minute drive...can you guess? Counting cars. I know it sounds dumb. But there were only 13 cars out that early...besides at the airport.
We sat for about 25 minutes in the airport, waiting for the flight to start boarding. It finally did. I sat and stared out the window, watching the lights and squares of farmland filled with corn fade away below me. I slept the whole way to Detroit.
I woke up when we landed, preparing for a 3 hour layover. We got a healthy breakfast of McDonalds before looking for our gate and settling down. I rocked out to my tunes, then searched for some postcards. There were some pretty ones of the Detroit area that I bought. More lounging, more lounging, some comic reading, some texting...okay. We decide to get some lunch to take on the plane. We got some peanut butter and jelly bagels from a place named after Einstein. Hmmm. I didn't know he specialized in bagels...Anyway, our plane came half an hour later than it was supposed to, which was not good because we had such little layover into our local airport in Washington.
Our flight went well. I fell asleep before I had a chance to eat my bagel, so when I woke up I was starving. I listened some more to my iPod, then fell back asleep. When I woke up, we were in Salt Lake City. I can't say that I've ever seen anything that beautiful in my life. There were huge mountains everywhere. You could see the white tops blending into the sky, the rivers snaking through the lands, and some beautiful forests. I was taken aback. I had never seen a mountain before. I couldn't believe how pretty it was in Utah. When we landed, the fiasco began.
We who were heading into Washington were driven on electric carts to our gate. Despite that, we missed our flight. It wasn't fun at all. Mom looked like the world was ending as we went up to customer service. The lady said that the next flight to Washington was not for 6 more hours. There were some...interesting dilemmas, such as not knowing whether Darby was still here. We were reassured that she was indeed here in SLC with us. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Finally we were given tickets for the next flight. We had nothing to do now but to wait. Much more laying around. Mom called Dad and I called A. We had Chinese food for dinner and frozen yogurt for dessert. Then finally, finally, we were on the plane home. We got off and waited in exhaustion for my dad. We hugged him forever, then I went to go get Darby, who was so excited that her tail was booming against the edge of her crate. We drove to the apartment and fell into bed.
Okay, so, that sure was a grand old time, huh? Finally, flashback 3. The first day of school:
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was taken on a tour by some nice girls and I met all my teachers. I only needed paper, a pencil, and my flute. I missed science because of the tour, but I went to band, honors reading, social studies( which is, by the way, dead BORING!!!), PE, lunch, honors algebra, and finally language arts. So, all in all, it was another day at school...only I was lonely all day because I only knew a few people.
My moving experience wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I miss everyone over there, and if anyone's reading: HELLO!!!! Alright, I'll go now, but I will be sure to post much more often!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sweet Home Ilinois
12) Strut your stuff hon, it ain't so bad!
Ok...So I suppose I should take my own advice. No one there gets to see my "strutting" quite yet though.
Anyway, enough hypocritical advice. I really just sort of feel strange. I know that there's gonna be a change, everyone else knows that there's gonna be a change, but it doesn't feel that way. Sure, we're surviving on just egg sandwiches and frozen waffles, sure the basement looks like a box factory, sure Mom has sticky notes all over the counter saying things like "what to leave behind" and "what to carry on", but in reality, the change seems miles away. I think that someday soon it's just going to crash over me, and I'll be immersed in the feeling of being lost and be drowned in the change. Right now, right this very second as I sit on the couch typing this post, I feel the same. My mind is swirling with the thoughts of moving and of the Lovely News, yet I don't feel different.
Also... have you ever had something, anything, no matter how petty or trivial, that you always complained about but never really thought about leaving or giving up? That's what Illinois is for me. I always complained at how flat it was and how there was never anything to do. Now that I'm leaving I realize how much I truly love this place. The corn seems less boring and more naturally beautiful and the sky seems more blue. I value visits into town and to the mall more than before. I can't even imagine leaving here. Maybe this is why my Grandpa can't leave his town. You feel so attached to a place that, no matter how boring you think it is, you can't get up the strength to leave.
I guess you just have to learn to value what you have, because you never know when it may be pulled out from under your feet and gone. :)
Ok...So I suppose I should take my own advice. No one there gets to see my "strutting" quite yet though.
Anyway, enough hypocritical advice. I really just sort of feel strange. I know that there's gonna be a change, everyone else knows that there's gonna be a change, but it doesn't feel that way. Sure, we're surviving on just egg sandwiches and frozen waffles, sure the basement looks like a box factory, sure Mom has sticky notes all over the counter saying things like "what to leave behind" and "what to carry on", but in reality, the change seems miles away. I think that someday soon it's just going to crash over me, and I'll be immersed in the feeling of being lost and be drowned in the change. Right now, right this very second as I sit on the couch typing this post, I feel the same. My mind is swirling with the thoughts of moving and of the Lovely News, yet I don't feel different.
Also... have you ever had something, anything, no matter how petty or trivial, that you always complained about but never really thought about leaving or giving up? That's what Illinois is for me. I always complained at how flat it was and how there was never anything to do. Now that I'm leaving I realize how much I truly love this place. The corn seems less boring and more naturally beautiful and the sky seems more blue. I value visits into town and to the mall more than before. I can't even imagine leaving here. Maybe this is why my Grandpa can't leave his town. You feel so attached to a place that, no matter how boring you think it is, you can't get up the strength to leave.
I guess you just have to learn to value what you have, because you never know when it may be pulled out from under your feet and gone. :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
11) Even the desert has beauty; Just take the time to look for it.
Well. I have been waiting for something to blog about. Now, don't get me wrong, school is just 'marvelous' (hint hint wink wink) but it just isn't blogging material. However, when life gets boring, you can always expect your mom to create something interesting, and, in this case, life changing. And so it begins...
I had just gotten home from a lovely sleepover at my Grammy's house. It was G's first time, and it actually went well. I was really surprised! Anyway I had just gotten home, and the door was locked. I knocked and Mom opened the door. She let me in where music was blaring and the house was, as usual, immaculate. Then she gave me a huge hug and asked, " DID YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME AT GRAMMY'S?" I sort of looked at her thinking well, Mom, I've only been gone a day but I love you? Then, all of a sudden, all of my friends from school here, plus Madgirl, jumped out from behind the island and yelled "SURPRISE!!!!"
I was a bit baffled, to say the least.
So I sort of stood there looking at A,K,E,M,C,S,L, and Madgirl and was trying to put my face into a normal expression as everyone laughed at me. Mom even took this lovely picture! And then I thought I suppose that's why she needed so many pizzas... I finally managed to get my face to move and said " Well, hello there,um..."
As everyone was laughing I was being herded over to the stairs. We went down and M was very excited as she opened my door. There were colorful streamers everywhere and pretty handmade posters on my walls. There were 8 pairs of shoes of all different sizes in random places around the room. 3 presents were lined up on my windowsill. Of course, then I HAD to open them. First C's, which was a pretty card with a sparkly ice cream cone on it, then M's, which held a small jar full of paper stars. She explained in a little card that they were pick-me-up stars, and that whenever I was discouraged I could open one and there would be a message inside. These were a huge hit.The last gift was from S. It was in a manila envelope with a white bow. I pulled out the contents. On top was a letter, saying that this was the rough draft and that the real one would be made and delivered next week. I moved the letter aside and found a blue binder that was the rough draft of a calendar! Each page included pictures of one of the people at the party and had places where they could write their messages to me. It was great! I was very excited to see the real thing.
G came down and he informed us very professionally that there were chips and dip upstairs if we'd like them. The majority of the girls were overjoyed at the prospect of food and stormed up the stairs, while I told them that I'd be up in a moment. M stayed behind. I almost cried, just almost, but since there were people around, I held it together. We went upstairs and had pizza, chips and dip, and delicious red velvet cupcakes homemade straight from the box!
For the rest of the time we learned how to make stars, made duct tape squares, and laughed a lot, as girls do. Everyone slowly was picked up, and the calendar got its final touches, and phone numbers of people not known before were exchanged. Addresses were written down. M stayed over, and the whole thing seemed almost to have been surreal. It made me very happy, but also very sad. It feels so much more final now that I've had a goodbye party, but I would not have had my final days here any other way.
Well. I have been waiting for something to blog about. Now, don't get me wrong, school is just 'marvelous' (hint hint wink wink) but it just isn't blogging material. However, when life gets boring, you can always expect your mom to create something interesting, and, in this case, life changing. And so it begins...
I had just gotten home from a lovely sleepover at my Grammy's house. It was G's first time, and it actually went well. I was really surprised! Anyway I had just gotten home, and the door was locked. I knocked and Mom opened the door. She let me in where music was blaring and the house was, as usual, immaculate. Then she gave me a huge hug and asked, " DID YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME AT GRAMMY'S?" I sort of looked at her thinking well, Mom, I've only been gone a day but I love you? Then, all of a sudden, all of my friends from school here, plus Madgirl, jumped out from behind the island and yelled "SURPRISE!!!!"
As everyone was laughing I was being herded over to the stairs. We went down and M was very excited as she opened my door. There were colorful streamers everywhere and pretty handmade posters on my walls. There were 8 pairs of shoes of all different sizes in random places around the room. 3 presents were lined up on my windowsill. Of course, then I HAD to open them. First C's, which was a pretty card with a sparkly ice cream cone on it, then M's, which held a small jar full of paper stars. She explained in a little card that they were pick-me-up stars, and that whenever I was discouraged I could open one and there would be a message inside. These were a huge hit.The last gift was from S. It was in a manila envelope with a white bow. I pulled out the contents. On top was a letter, saying that this was the rough draft and that the real one would be made and delivered next week. I moved the letter aside and found a blue binder that was the rough draft of a calendar! Each page included pictures of one of the people at the party and had places where they could write their messages to me. It was great! I was very excited to see the real thing.
G came down and he informed us very professionally that there were chips and dip upstairs if we'd like them. The majority of the girls were overjoyed at the prospect of food and stormed up the stairs, while I told them that I'd be up in a moment. M stayed behind. I almost cried, just almost, but since there were people around, I held it together. We went upstairs and had pizza, chips and dip, and delicious red velvet cupcakes homemade straight from the box!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My, My, How Time Flies!
10) Even the desert has some trees.
It seems as if the clock can't make up it's mind. It just seems as though it goes faster and faster as the days go on. It seem like only yesterday that my dad got the call saying that he had the job. It seems like only yesterday that he left for Washington. Now, my parents already have a house chosen. Can you believe it? Time flies when... well... time flies. Now we may be in a house just after we get there. That's a relief, since rentals are scarce and rentals that would allow Darby are even more scarce. Darby would have had to stay with farmgirl_dk, which isn't bad, but I would have missed my baby!
*weighing in at 5 pounds, with over 300 questions and twice as many rules, the ISATs!!!!*
*weighing in at x pounds, 3/4 year's knowledge, and a hatred of tests, little ole me!!!!!*
Oh, yes, you must watch this battle! Actually, you shouldn't. It is three hours if complete silence throughout the school. No one is looking forward to these, not even the teachers, who have given us the knowledge for these tests. ISATs don't even have perks anymore, since they've decided not to give us snacks during them anymore. Some teachers do, but I don't think that the school provides them.
A's baton issues are clearing up. This is REALLY exciting! Yay! Last night in band we played with the pep band for the regionals game. We dominated!!!! Woo!!!! Anyway, it was pretty hard. It was music for the grade above us, and that made it really hard, so I only hit half of the notes right. Mr. J said that that was pretty good, so I was pretty pleased. I was actually sort of upset too because S hit about a zillion more notes than me. ( I love ya, S!) We played Poker Face, Living on a Prayer, and a few other songs, and it was pretty awesome!
I only watched about half the game. When we weren't playing, I was texting my friend A.L. who was on the other side of the gym. He was a ditcher face! But that's OK because someone stole his phone.
All in all, this week has been pretty cool. We even did artsy stuff in language arts and social studies today. As for me and my battle against the clock, I hope time can slow down a little.
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