Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's Mother's Day!

15) Work on the farm is NEVER over.

It's Mother's Day weekend over here, and it's been hectic as all get out. On Friday, I had to make Mom's present( A duct tape llama) and I had to make my poster for history class. We watched Inkheart, which was pretty good, plus they mention duct tape, so I was happy.
Saturday was work. Well, for most of us. First Mom met with a blogger friend, taking G, Grammy, and Darby with her, so J, Dad, and I went out shopping. We hit some some farmer stores, then had samples from Costco for lunch. When we came home, Mom's blogger friend was there with her Chinese Cresteds, who were adorable! Now, when you think Chinese Crested, cute isn't the first word that comes to mind. They are cute in their own way, inspired perhaps by their sweetness, innocence, and prancy little steps when they run. My baby girl, Darby, is part Chinese Crested, and when you look at her hair you can tell. They left eventually, leaving us farmers at home. Grammy and I went shopping too! We had to get *cough cough wink wink* Pepsi. We DID get Pepsi, but it wasn't the first thing on our list. First we stopped by a feed store and I looked at ADORABLE PUPPIES!!!!!!! While Grammy searched for a present for Mom. We left empty handed, since nothing in particular struck Grammy as a good gift for Mom. I personally would have liked a puppy, but, alas, it isn't Daughter's Day. We went by Lowes and got Mom some honeysuckle and a pretty plant with red, tubular flowers. Mama loves her hummingbirds. THEN we got Pepsi and came home.
As soon as we got out of the car we had to change into work clothes, put on muck boots, and head out to the second pasture. We were put to the task of raking sticks and leaves and loading them in to the trailer on the back of the mower. I even got to drive it once, though I couldn't get it started by myself because you had to push in the very very stubborn brake lever, and me, being *dainty and fragile* had to have my Dad help me just a bit. Then we all went in and walked around like zombies until we finally trudged over to bed.
Today, (Sunday), was a bit more laid back. We had waffles for breakfast, then laid around for a little while. G and I watched some Scooby Doo. I came upstairs to escape from "the Wiki Tiki" who was the monster in the movie, and Dad invited me to go shopping with him. We went to the PUPPY PLACE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Then to Home Depot for some sprinkler stuff and various other things for the goats and such. I got lazy and rode in the cart until we loaded on the sand and concrete. Home was dinner and Mother's Day presents before bed. I must depart now, for my bed and sleep await me!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Frozen Deserts

14)Well, even the desert has it's cold days...weeks...months...

First things first; When in Washington has just gotten an official makeover! I may switch it back, but I thought it could use some brightening up. Any comments? Is it fabulous?

Anyway, I have been going through life normally...except for the fact that I am officially an icicle. It is freezing here! The desert, freezing?! *GASP*! Is it even possible? Well, believe it or not, it is. We've been under 70 degrees, which doesn't sound bad- till you add in windchill. As my PE teacher so wisely stated:
"If it weren't for the windchill that makes it -30 degrees..." It is a bit of over-exaggeration, but it is pretty cold. It's May and we're over here in jeans and sweatshirts! OK, well I am, but not everyone is. Some people, who are apparently cold resistant, are wearing shorts and tank tops. Psh, I would rather be warm and not as stylish than frozen and stylish, but people will have their preferences. SO! Otherwise, life here is pretty good. I have been talking to people- yes, yes, *GASP...AGAIN*!, and I am making some friends.
In general, my school is like the traditional school of this level that you would see in movies. We play real dodge ball where when you get hit you sit out until someone catches a ball. That's pretty fun except when you get nailed in the face with a ball. Then there is the bell, which actually rings and isn't-at least I don't think-computer/intercom generated. It is very loud and very obnoxious.
I have to go now to attempt to finish M's present with my Grammy, who got here a little while ago. Wish me luck, and send some blankets! :)