Thursday, February 18, 2010

An Interesting Sort Of Week

9) The beach there is cold, not warm.

The strange thing about school is that just when it gets so boring that you don't think that you can stand it for one more second, something comes up that makes it interesting again. For instance last week, the fire alarm went off because of a problem in the boiler room, and the whole school had to evacuate to the building next door. It was a huge hassle, and A didn't even have time to grab her precious baton before she was rushed out the door! Some people were getting dressed for PE and they were forced to run out the door with no shoes. It was just a big problem, but the school was shot through with adrenaline for the rest of the day.
This week has been strangely interesting. In English we had to give presentations on those immigration papers that we wrote, and that wasn't fun. But as a result, we were allowed to have INTERNATIONAL FOOD DAY! That was a blast, and we had it today. I couldn't bring anything because we didn't have time to make stuff, and because Mom is attempting to use as many of our groceries as possible, and not buy more than is necessary. I would have brought baklava, which is phyllo dough covered in honey and chopped nuts, and I though it sounded delicious. Mom was not quite as enthusiastic because she is NOT a honey person, unless it is in her tea. Even though there was no baklava, there were some delicious dishes spread on the table. There was German chocolate pie, Filipino fruit salad, tacos, Naan, Indian trail mix, sushi with cooked fish, some Polish cinnamon fruit salad, mashed potatoes, Norwegian cookies with jelly, chips and dip, pretzels, Swedish Fish, rice candy, German Spritz cookies, and a few others. Quite the International Food Day, huh?
In science, we're having a blast. Yesterday, we did a lab on soda. Well, I am not a fan of drinking soda, but there were other people in the class who were willing enough to have mine. We were seeing how much carbon gas we could get out of the soda and into our balloons. There was one cold soda and one that was sitting in hot water and we had to "agitate" them for 2 minutes, then measure the circumference of each balloon which was atop the open bottle. The cold one worked just fine, but when my partner and I got to the hot water stage, things went downhill. The first balloon that we put on worked until the bottle went into the hot water. Then a screaming noise erupted and the room grew quiet. Our little bottle was screaming for help! The second we took it out, the noise stopped, and we discovered a hole. Every single one of the other 4 balloons that we tried had a hole too! By the time we were on our last one, the gas was gone and we gave up. Mrs. B thought it was funny and we had one of the best ways that the experiment could go wrong! Tomorrow we're tie dying, and I'll tell about that after it happens.
Social studies is a study of ads. This isn't necessarily fun, but everyone gets to be creative and to learn advertising tricks. The foreboding thing is ISATS. Those are the worst tests ever. The state says that we have to take them, and it shows the school's progression. I suppose that not all of school can be fun, can it?!


  1. Hold on now...pretend this is a game show and you hear bzzzttt...WRONG answer. I am not the one who does not like honey. Thats your daddy. I enjoy honey. Especially in my hot tea. :-)
    And I would have happily made the baklava with you....had you decided that thats what you wanted to didnt happen that way and then we ended up having 2 snow days at school and then the next thing you know the international day had been rescheduled....
    But yes, I will give you the comment about not wanting to buy anymore groceries. No more! Its digging in the pantry from now on. :-)

  2. frugalmom- Pardon the misconception. The face you made when I mentioned baklava would have led anyone to believe that you were in distaste. Well, it's nice to know that you would have made it with me. There was plenty of delicious food anyway and we might decide to make it in Washington!

  3. Ok, I know this is very pathetic, but i am slightly offended by the fact that you did not emphasize how amazing my cookies were, so I shall do it for you. SPRITZ COOKIES ARE AMAZING AND THE ONES I MADE WERE BLUE CAMLES!!!!!!! BLUE CAMELS! Ok, I'm done. I had to do that. Also, ALL the food i tried was really good. I am sooooo bummed that I missed the soda lab, but tye-dying is fun so far. By the way, when you get to Washington and can buy groceries, make me some baklava and ship it to me. Then I'll try it, tell you how good it is, and then you can open a Greek restaurant and it'll be the next BIG THING! Woooooohooooo!

  4. M- Darlin', the cookies were delish! But I had a white puppy, not a camel. I do think that I had a camel at some point. And I'm not so sure that I will open a Greek restaurant, because I;ll have to look up the recipe online, and then I'll get sued for copyright! The soda lab was OK. I drank some soda, but it wasn't terribly enjoyable!
