Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer + School...Hmmm

19) You have to sacrifice for school.

So. It has been a while:) I hope that I haven't lost all my faithful followers! I've been so busy that it isn't even funny. I got done with school a few weeks ago, and I had...drumroll glorious day off of school before going back again. That's right. One. So, let me take you on a trip through my life this summer.

Alright. I wake up at 6:30, throw on some clothes, brush my hair and my teeth. Then I eat breakfast. Dad drives me to my new high school. Yes, I know, I'm ancient. Anyway. We sit in front of the computer the whole 7 hours and copy exactly what the teacher puts on the board. Doesn't that sound delightful? And I am doing this for almost 2 months.

You may be wondering what the heck I was thinking. I was thinking that I had no time time in my schedule to complete my gosh darn Computer Competency credit. Ugh. Times infinity. So I am taking Computer Applications all summer and I think I am losing my love of computers. Ugh! I'll survive though. I have to post soon about our new family members, so I must go! I will post much more than I have been. I love you all, and thank you for reading!