Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Frozen Deserts

14)Well, even the desert has it's cold days...weeks...months...

First things first; When in Washington has just gotten an official makeover! I may switch it back, but I thought it could use some brightening up. Any comments? Is it fabulous?

Anyway, I have been going through life normally...except for the fact that I am officially an icicle. It is freezing here! The desert, freezing?! *GASP*! Is it even possible? Well, believe it or not, it is. We've been under 70 degrees, which doesn't sound bad- till you add in windchill. As my PE teacher so wisely stated:
"If it weren't for the windchill that makes it -30 degrees..." It is a bit of over-exaggeration, but it is pretty cold. It's May and we're over here in jeans and sweatshirts! OK, well I am, but not everyone is. Some people, who are apparently cold resistant, are wearing shorts and tank tops. Psh, I would rather be warm and not as stylish than frozen and stylish, but people will have their preferences. SO! Otherwise, life here is pretty good. I have been talking to people- yes, yes, *GASP...AGAIN*!, and I am making some friends.
In general, my school is like the traditional school of this level that you would see in movies. We play real dodge ball where when you get hit you sit out until someone catches a ball. That's pretty fun except when you get nailed in the face with a ball. Then there is the bell, which actually rings and isn't-at least I don't think-computer/intercom generated. It is very loud and very obnoxious.
I have to go now to attempt to finish M's present with my Grammy, who got here a little while ago. Wish me luck, and send some blankets! :)


  1. Ok, first thing's first: Comment on the makeover. Here's what I think- I like the "When in Washington" part, and I like the blue where the actual post part is in, but the grey background makes it seem dreary. But..... Dreary is Washington's middle name. So if you are going more literal, it totally works. Now, if you want some heat madame, come back to Illinois and come to one of our rehearsals. That will get you, as S states in the play, "...burnt to a crisp like that bad marshmallow we've all heard so much about." Since I have a feeling that won't happen anytime soon though, good luck with freezing! Tell you Grammy I say hi!!!!!!!

  2. Oh the new color scheme and the colorful fish. Now you need a new header photo! :-)

  3. Why I do believe you're feeling more at home!
    :-) :-) :-)
    I'm surprised your mom doesn't have the heat turned up to a bazillion degrees - is it possible you are even thinner skinned than she is?! ;-)
    Glad your grammy is there with you - Just having her there is going to add some warmth, just watch!

  4. First I think the new theme if Fabulous Darling! Second, I am so happy that Grammy is there with you! I bet you were all so happy to see her! I bet Grammy has something extra in her bag, she always overpacks! Xo aunt Shelly

  5. M- Thanks for rubbing the warmth in my face! But I suppose that I don't really want to be the burnt marshmallow that everyone has been hearing about. And about the dreary gray; I don't think that I can change that but I will try.
    Farmgirl_dk- The heat is on but it doesn't always help:) And having Grammy does have its warmth! I will out up a new photo soon, I hope, once I get on the right computer!

  6. Yeah...what IS with all this cold weather? I think I may need to turn the heat up. Good thing the HVAC guy was here today to give me a tutorial on how to use the heat pump....and the fancy thermostat. NOW maybe we can get in a nice cozy temperature in here. Oh, and Danni, you may want to take a look at this fancy thermostat when you are here does exactly what you want it to do, but just not with the lever and infamous green light.

  7. Thank you Aunt Shelly!!! And she had to put some of our stuff in her bag this time.
