Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hometown Friends

3) Realize that there will be more country land than there is here.

When I was reading the comments for my last post, I came across a tip from an anonymous reader that I should introduce my friends better. I responded that I didn't believe that the particular post was right for that. I do however, think that I need to devote a post to the friends that I will have to leave behind, and I think now is a good time. So kick back, relax, and enjoy these brief introductions to some of the people that I cherish most.

I think we should start with A. There are two things that are important to understanding A. She is a triplet,(the oldest! She's proud of that.), and she is very gifted with the baton. No, she isn't the cheerleader type, but she does know how to work a baton. A is a great person. She is very smart, has a good sense of humor, and gives sensational advice. She loves country music and medical dramas. She is also athletic, plays basketball, and a tomboy.
Next, E. She is the second oldest triplet. She is the opposite of A. She is very girly, and really prefers not to get her hands dirty. She does have a passion for running. She is a great distance runner! E is a loyal friend who will support you in whatever you're doing. She also enjoys country music and adores her cellphone.
K. She is the youngest triplet. She is hilarious, and I love her for that. She always has something up her sleeve to make you laugh. She is prone to clumsiness, but she always gets back up laughing. She plays basketball too, on the same team as A actually. She likes country music, just like her sisters, and is great with little kids.
M is an oddball. No one from school would guess that, but she is. When we hang out after school, she instantly transforms. Once in the car or on the grass beyond the school's fence, you wouldn't even know that she is the same person. Unless, of course, you are me. She is pretty, smart, and fascinated with medical things. She is a living breathing broken person. Her leg, which had some issue with it, as kept her out of PE for almost a year. She is very artsy and I don't know what I would do without her.
D1 and D2 are inseparable. D1 is the only person that I have ever met who is funnier than K. His life's dream is to build a business called Hobo Haven that sells and adopts out hobos. I don't know if I could survive the day without talking to D1 first. D2 is the guy that my friends all pick on but really like. He's funny, somewhat smart, and knows random facts that are of no real importance. He is sometimes slow in the uptake, but you can't live without him.
L is a natural born runner. She can sprint but her crowning glory is her distance. L is very soft spoken at school but is very loud and outgoing outside of school. She is also very artsy.
C is great. She's one of the most popular girls at school. She's pretty, smart, athletic, crafty, nice, and she can be loud. She comes up with great ideas for crafts and is an amazing singer no matter what she says!
My final one is Madgirl. She is hilarious! She came over last night and I could not stop laughing. The world wouldn't be the same without her.
So those are my friends. Stories upon stories will be told of them, and there may be one or two additions to this list later. :)


  1. I like ALL of your friends. But then, you tend to have really very sweet friends, so its kinda easy to like them all.

  2. me stumped on one or two of those..I'll clarify them with you later..aren't friends always know the one that can make you belly giggle,or the one for advice,or just to talk too..their all so important in your life..and you have so much opportunity to make a gazillion more.. you'll always cherish your memories with them..
    Nice post as always:)

  3. frugalmom- thanks! I'm sure that my friends will be delighted to hear that you like them. They are all very sweet.
    Diane- Yes, I know that each friend has a special quality that is their strong point. I will help you clarify them when you are over next.

  4. Elo Ki-Ki,
    You are an amazing friend. Thanks for all the compliments, it made me feel really good inside. So I decided that I want you to feel the same way. Things I LOVE about Ki-Ki: 1)You are a kind hearted person. 2)You are beautiful, period. 3)You are extremely smart...unlike me...hehehe 4)You sreamed my name the other day in P.E.!!! I am so proud of you!!! 5)There are too many things I love about you,for me to list! <3 C

  5. Ok, now i do think all of your descriptions on these people are accurate, and I'm glad to be one of them. In case nobody knows, I, Cripple, am also M. Just had to clarify that! Luv ya Ki-Ki!

  6. C- I'm glad that my achievement of being loud is making you happy, even if you thought that I was a boy...And thank you for the wonderful compliments!

    Way to put yourself out there Cripple. Courage and confidence are respected in the real world blah blah blah...
    *for the rest of this speech seek a nearby adult.

  7. In response to Ki-Ki, love the inspirational speech. In agreement with C, I totally agree. You are like one of the coolest people I know. I honestly appreciate all of your compliments. I may not say it enough, but I do. You should feel the same way about yourself as you do with other people. Without you last year I know I probably wouldn't have survived the year. But you are a genius, kind-hearted, creative, artistic, beautiful person. More people should appreciate that. Luv ya!

  8. Heyy heyy! It's Sonya and you have depressed me because I'm not mentioned in your friends paragraph :'( jeez just break my heart! Anyway this is a great way to keep in touch when you move :(. Luv you darlin!!

  9. Don't worry Sonya I will include you in the next post I think... I thought I 'd introduce you later in the week.

  10. wow this is a very entertainig blog. idk who any of these people are but that d1 sounds like a great person.

    ok just kidding this is d1 and i am an amazing person.

  11. D1- Way to be self confident there. Now everyone knows how strange and hilarious you are. Everyone, that was a small insight into D1's world.

  12. Muahahaha! I have a grrrreat story for everyone and it goes like this...
    Once upon a time, *S*, <3 C, and Ki-ki were at Ki-Ki's house in her awesome room, just sitting and talking. I stood up to look around because she always has something new and cool in her room. I came across a paper that <3 C made that stated, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are BLUE!!!!!" Can you believe that!?! I was appalled:0! I told <3 C she was totally wrong but she thought she was right, but we figured out i was right (of course) that it, in fact, is when skies are GRAY. It might not sound funny now but at the time it was a very important discussion that mattered so much to both of us and Ki-Ki looked on prolly thinking "I need smarter friends". Heehee anyway that's how much fun we have at your house Ki-Ki. Luv you!!!

  13. *S*- That was very funny but it wasn't what I was thinking. I really was enjoying myself and laughing hysterically. You are both very smart, however you guys do have your blonde moments just like everyone else. Like I was talking to A.L. and I forgot how to text! It was great. C was laughing at me.
